Advanced device details
Clicking into advanced device details allows you to view device settings, modes, properties, and information about firmware updates. Depending on your user permissions, you may be able to make modifications to these features. Information found in advanced device details may help with connectivity-related troubleshooting.
Device modes
You’ll notice within the advanced device details a section called Mode. Air purifiers operate in automatic mode, which allows the fan speeds to automatically adjust based on the real time air quality readings. As the air quality improves, the fan speed may decrease. If the air quality worsens, the fan speed will increase. Leaving your devices in auto mode for optimal filter life. The purifier will cycle between low, medium, high, and turbo modes in order to optimize the air quality in your space.
Auto mode
In the auto mode setting, the fan speeds automatically adjust based on the real time air quality readings. As the air quality improves, the fan speed may decrease. If the air quality worsens, the fan speed will increase. Leave your device in auto mode for optimal filter life. When the device is in auto mode, the light on the auto mode button will be illuminated.
Standby mode
In standby, the sensors will continue to report and the purifier fan will remain off. You can use the power button to toggle between the standby mode and auto mode.
Manual mode
You can use the fan speed controls to manually adjust the speed of the unit. Selecting the up (+) or down (-) fan speed control will deactivate auto mode in order to increase or decrease the fan speed to your selected level. There are four manual fan speeds that you can select from.
When should I use other modes?
The standby and manual modes can be used for specific instances, like if you are cleaning in one specific room and want to turn up the fan speed to remove the extra particles in the air from cleaning products. Of note, auto mode will also activate turbo mode to remediate these particles, but if you need to, you can override the auto settings.