Depending on your user permissions, you may be able to view and edit the users within your organization who have access to the Workspace. Navigate to “Users” on the left panel. Here, you’ll see user emails, the site they have access to, the permissions they have associated with that site, the user status (have they accepted the invitation to join the site/org), and the date the invitation was sent. If the users have accepted the invitation, the date will show the date they joined WellCube and their status will be “Active.” Organization administrators (Org Admins) can also revoke access to sites- and edit user permissions.
Examples of internal users are typically fellow company employees. These user types include Org Admins, Site Admins and Members. Org Admins have access to every site within the system and can add/remove users as necessary from any site. Site Admins are granted permission to specific sites and can add new users to the sites in which they belong.
External users may include installers, property managers, or anyone else assisting with the installation or system. These users will show up under the External tab as a 'External Collaborator'
Inviting Users:
Depending on your permissions, you may be able to add new users to the organization or to the site. Selecting “Invite a user” will allow you to specify the user role and the site to which you’d like to add them.
If you are adding a site admin, be sure to select the correct sites for this user.
If the user you’re inviting already has a WellCube profile associated with their email address, the user will receive a notification that they’ve been granted permission to this new site or organization. If the user does NOT have a WellCube profile associated with the email address, the newly invited user will be asked to create an account.
If the user has access to multiple sites and is not an organization admin, you’ll see their permissions appear in the user table with both sites listed next to a single user email.
Revoking user access
As an Org admin, you can remove users from sites and organizations. The software will help guide you through the process, so pay close attention to the prompts.
What is the difference between an organization admin and a site administrator?
Org admins are typically the main point of contact across your organization for WellCube
Site admins are the point of contact for specific physical office or location within the organization
External collaborators have limited permissions and are typically installers or WellCube team members, assisting with installation or maintenance