WellCube Knowledge Base

The central repository for WellCube support

Commissioning a Gateway (WellCube Connect)

Kate Connolly
Kate Connolly
  • Updated

The WellCube program leverages a gateway first approach. The gateway communicates with the WellCube cloud and is a central player for the WellCube network of IoT enabled devices. In the header of the active installation experience, you’ll be able to see the total number of devices which can help you keep track of your progress.


Select a gateway

When you click into “Start Installation,” you’ll arrive at a list of gateways that pertain to this site. These were all added to the site by the technical sales manager as part of the system design process. 

Click on the gateway that you’d like to begin with. If you ever have questions or need to confirm the placement of the devices, you will be able to find the system design schematic under the hamburger menu on the top right (or, in your hands if you printed it out!). 



Confirm gateway details & begin commissioning

Clicking on the gateway that you’re starting with brings you to the details for the device. Review the details on screen to confirm they are correct. Follow steps in the gateway installation documentation  to make sure that antennae are installed correctly and all mounting protocols are followed. 

Find the location for the gateway and proceed to plug in the device power cord and ethernet cable. When the device is powered on and connected to the ethernet, you’ll be able to see an orange light illuminated on the bottom of the device. Once that orange light is on, you’re able to commission the device. 


Details for the specific gateway will be provided on this gateway detail screen. After plugging in the gateway and confirming the details of the device, press the COMMISSION GATEWAY button at the bottom of the screen.  


You’ll be immediately redirected to a QR scanning experience where you can simply scan the QR for the device to begin commissioning. If your camera isn’t working, you can enter the Network ID and provide the model number for the device to begin commissioning. 





In-progress commissioning for a gateway

After successfully kicking off the commissioning process for the gateway, the app will run a series of checks to ensure the gateway is working as expected, like verifying cloud connectivity and thread connectivity. 





If the gateway runs into any issues during the commissioning process, you’ll be presented with a troubleshooting screen in which you’ll receive details about why the gateway was not able to connect. Follow the directions and attempt to bring the gateway online. Use the knowledgebase if you need further guidance. 


Floor-by-floor commissioning

After your first gateway is live, you should proceed to add any other gateways on that floor. If there was only one gateway, proceed to commission the purifier or sensor devices closest to the gateway.



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